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Emergency Broken Denture Banner - Emergency Dentists London Pro Emergency Broken Denture Banner - Emergency Dentists London Pro

Same Day Walk-in Dentures Repair in London

If you have a broken denture, make an appointment with Emergency Dentist London Pro as soon as possible. We will repair your denture in the most efficient and quick way.

Lost denture Replacement in a Dental Emergency

If you have lost your denture due to an accident or an injury, we can replace it as soon as possible to avoid discomfort.

Same day emergency dentures repair or same day denture replacement

At Emergency Dentist London Pro we offer same day denture repair or denture replacement. We want to minimise the discomfort and give you your smile back.

The same day emergency denture repair or replacement means if a denture is needed to replace few missing teeth, we see the patient in the morning for their impressions to be taken and by the late evening we will be able to provide them with their new denture. If a complete denture is needed to replace all the missing teeth in one or both jaws, we can produce a denture in the vast majority of the cases within 24 hours. This type of denture takes a bit longer than smaller denture to make, simply because of clinical and laboratory needs.

Same day denture or immediate dentures are made from Acrylic plastic. To make a denture that replaces few teeth, we first take an impression of the jaw and choose the colour of the teeth.

Then our technician will come to the clinic specifically to produce the denture and make the denture at the clinic. As producing the denture takes several hours, by the evening we will be able to give you your new denture. If many teeth are missing or a complete denture needs to be made, then more time is needed as several clinical measurements in different stages has to be done before the denture can be made. In these cases at least 24 hours is needed for the dentist and the technician to make the same day denture. The procedure for making these dentures is not any different to when a denture is made over several days. It is just that the technician due to the emergency nature of the work, concentrate on making your denture. The same steps and procedures are taken to make the denture as usual. The only difference is that the cost of these dentures is higher than usual simply because the technician has to attend the clinic for producing the work rather than making it in their laboratory over several days or weeks.